03 April, 2016

by Updated on 03 April, 2016 Leave a Comment

How To Add Complete Material Design To Google Chrome On Windows Desktop

Google is adding the material design to every Android app and slowly to the Windows version of it Chrome browser. Though, its not yet completely rolled out to main channel of Chrome, you can try them now by changing few chrome flags.

Here are the flags that will change your regular Google Chrome browser to completely material design.
Copy the the flag link and paste it in a new Chrome tab to go to particular Chrome Flag on your browser. You can also open, chrome://flags on your browser and search for the particular flag locally.
Change this flag from default to material. There are other options like non-material, material-hybrid. Change it to material and you will notice the difference in appearance of of the tabs and bookmark bar folders.
Tabs are more sharp now and the default folder icon of bookmarks is changed to black in color. Also, when you click the bookmark folder, the circular click effect is added.

Change the flag to enable.
If you have more than one user on your desktop for Google Chrome, you can notice the difference.

Enable the material design history flag from default to enabled.
The history page now have two tabs on sidebar. One will display all your browsing history on particular device. Open tabs option will group the open tabs on different device grouped by your devices linked to your account.

If you enable the material design extension page, the extension page from settings will disappear. To access the extension, go to menu >> more tools >> extensions. You can also go to chrome://extensions/ address on your Chrome.
The extensions and Chrome apps are now grouped separately. This extensions page uses the card UI and optimized for touch enabled devices. The delete button and the side tabs are also fairly large and well spaced.

Also read: How To Enable Google Chrome Canary Hidden Features & What Is Special

What are your favorite Google Chrome hacks?
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